For us, Easter means spending time with beloved family and friends. For our pets, it means trying to sneak bites of our treats and festive decorations! Keep these toxic items away from your pets this Easter.
Boosted: For us, Easter means spending time with beloved family and friends. For our pets, it means trying to sneak bites of our treats and festive decorations! Keep these toxic items away from your pets this Easter.
- Plastic grass. It may look cute in your Easter basket, but it looks just like shiny, regular grass to our pets, so they’ll happily munch away on it. If swallowed, plastic grass can cause serious intestinal blockages that could require surgery to remove.
- Chocolate. Don’t leave your chocolate bunnies at snout level! The caffeine and theobromine in chocolate can cause vomiting, diarrhea, seizures and even death when pets ingest it.
- Easter lilies. Many types of lilies, including Easter lilies, are severely toxic to cats and can cause rapid kidney failure. But that won’t stop your feline friends from chewing on them! It’s best to keep lilies out of the house.
- Easter eggs. Whether you opt for real eggs or fake plastic ones, your pets may mistake them for treats if you don’t find them all! Make sure you remember where you hide your eggs so Fido doesn’t find them days later. Spoiled eggs can cause upset stomachs, and fake ones can cause intestinal blockages.
- Table scraps. Too much fatty food can cause upset stomachs and even pancreatitis. Don’t get your pet in the habit of begging under the table for bites of your dinner!