Happy Fourth of July! Here are some tips for helping your pets enjoy this day, too.
Fireworks are fun and beautiful to us, but they’re downright terrifying to our pets. Help your pet feel safe and comfortable on this festive (yet noisy) holiday.
- Provide background noise. Soft, calming music, television, and fans can distract pets from the commotion.
- Block off tiny areas. In an attempt to hide from the noise, small pets may try to weasel themselves into cramped spaces, where they could then become stuck.
- Pets may become desperate and try to escape your home to get away from the noise. Make sure your pet’s microchip is up to date before the holiday in case they get out.
- Offer cozy places to hide so pets feel safer and don’t seek those dangerously small areas.
- Some pets with severe anxiety will need anti-anxiety medications to help them get through the holiday. Talk to your veterinarian to find out about these options.
Fireworks are fun and beautiful to us, but they’re downright terrifying to our pets. Help your pet feel safe and comfortable on this festive (yet noisy) holiday.
- Provide background noise. Soft, calming music, television, and fans can distract pets from the commotion.
- Block off tiny areas. In an attempt to hide from the noise, small pets may try to weasel themselves into cramped spaces, where they could then become stuck.
- Pets may become desperate and try to escape your home to get away from the noise. Make sure your pet’s microchip is up to date before the holiday in case they get out.
- Offer cozy places to hide so pets feel safer and don’t seek those dangerously small areas.
- Some pets with severe anxiety will need anti-anxiety medications to help them get through the holiday. Talk to your veterinarian to find out about these options.