Pronounced jee-ARE-dee-ya, it’s not a worm, bacteria, or virus—just a simple, one-celled parasite that can make your pet (and you) feel terrible. It’s also pretty common. While infected pets may not show symptoms right away, giardia can cause persistent diarrhea, abdominal discomfort, gas, and vomiting—and can sometimes be difficult to clear. How does your pet […]
What’s That Scary Sound?? (Fireworks & Thunder solutions)
Fireworks and thunderstorm season is here and while you may enjoy both, the racket can be downright terrifying for your dog. If your pet trembles, whines, drools, or clings to you when there’s loud noises, he or she likely suffers from a condition known as noise aversion. There are several things you can do to […]
Beware Blue-Green Algae
If your summer plans include taking your dog to local lakes and reservoirs, it’s important to be aware of advisories regarding toxic algae blooms in those bodies of water. These blooms are expected to become more common, but most of [STATE/OUR REGION]’s lakes and reservoirs are not monitored regularly, so people should be on the […]
Help Your Barker Survive the Bite (Rattlesnakes)
As the weather gets warmer, snakes will become more active and there’s a good chance you’ll encounter one basking in the sun. Rattlesnakes aren’t confined to rural areas, however—they can be found in cities, suburban parks, and riverside areas. Rattlesnake venom is extremely dangerous as it causes excessive swelling and death of the tissue surrounding […]
Parasites Are Gross. Here’s How to Keep Them Off Your Pet
(Fleas, ticks, intestinal worms, heartworm) Fleas. Ticks. Roundworm, heartworm and tapeworm. Our animals are a walking buffet to them, and once they’re on your dog or cat, it’s a short ride on the pet express to your home and family. Many of these parasites and the diseases they carry are zoonotic—meaning they can be transmitted […]
American Humane’s Adopt-a-Cat Month
American Humane’s Adopt-A-Cat Month happens every June to create awareness of the millions of awesome adoptable felines looking for fur-ever homes in shelters and rescues across the country. Here’s 6 great reasons why you should consider adding a cat to your life (and lap)! 3.2 million carts enter shelters and rescues every year, so adopting […]
Leptospirosis: The Backyard Threat
There are very few diseases you can get directly from your pet, but one of them is especially easy to contract: leptospirosis, a highly contagious illness spread through the urine of infected wildlife. Dogs don’t even need to make contact with wildlife to get the disease—simply drinking water or ingesting dirt that’s contaminated with the […]
Summer Travel With Pets
HEAD: Traveling with Pets: What to Know Before You Go For most people, summer means travel—whether it’s a road trip, camping adventure, or a fly-away vacation. If Fido or Fluffy is coming along for the ride, here are some tips to keep your pet safe and happy so that you both can have a great […]
Summer Safety/Camping
HEAD: Pup-tenting This Summer? Read This! For a lot of people, traveling and camping with their dog is one of the best things about summer. June is National Camping Month and while heading into the outdoors with Fido can be a great time, it’s important to be aware of the dangers and take some precautions. […]
Summer Safety/Travel, Heat, Foods, Etc.
HEAD: Safe Fun in the Summertime Summer means getting outdoors, getting on the road, and getting your barbecue on—but it can also be hazardous for your pet. Here are some tips to make sure you and your furry friend have the best summer ever! Heat kills! Never leave your pet in a car, even for […]